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Drying Rate Tester (Heated Plate Method) DRT 201乾燥速率試驗機(熱板法)

Drying Rate Tester (Heated Plate Method) DRT 201乾燥速率試驗機(熱板法)

This test instrument measures the drying rate of the fabric. The fabric is in contact with a certain amount of aqueous solution and is attached to a heating plate at 37°C at the same time. The temperature is the skin surface temperature when human sweat starts to secrete. This test instrument is suitable for all fabrics, including knitted fabrics, woven fabrics and non-woven fabrics, and even the final products made of fabrics.

  • Features:

    • By adjusting the air valve, the air flow rate can be precisely controlled
    • The machine measures the air flow velocity at three different positions to verify the uniformity of the air flow
    • Actively controlled, high-performance fans make the machine have excellent airflow stability
    • Temperature measurement control board for data recording and control system functions
    • Computer USB connection interface design
    • ThermDAC control software automatically generates the drying rate value and curve
    • Optional automatic flow control system
  • testing method

    DRT201 uses the airflow method described in the AATCC 201 test standard to test the drying rate within the moisture absorption capacity of the textile. At the beginning of the test, the fabric is placed on the surface of the heating plate and a small amount of water (0.2ml) is supplied to the fabric. The software displays the temperature of the sample with a graph. After reaching the stop condition, the drying rate value is calculated using the cross tangent slope.

  • 技術規格


    溫度控制: 37℃±1℃
    風速:  風扇產生1.5±0.2m/s的氣流通過熱平板表面 
    紅外測溫探針測量溫度:   15.0-50.0±0.1℃   


    供水系統水流控制: 0.1-1ml±0.003ml  
  • 符合標準

    AATCC 201

    NIKE Dry Time Testing, NAL. TM.5120

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